
The Confident Woman

Hey there! I am Rachel Brooks, an award-winning author of "Chasing Perfection," host of The Confident Woman Podcast, and founder of The Confident Woman, a lifestyle and digital media brand that aims to inspire, encourage, and empower women to create lasting change from within. My mission is to help faith-fueled, purpose-driven women redefine success on their own terms by providing community, tools and resources to create a life of joy, fulfillment, and purpose. Subscribe to my weekly newsletter for curated insights and actionable strategies designed to fuel your journey towards freedom, passion, and purpose.

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Embracing Life's Unexpected Twists: Lessons from My Journey

Embracing Life's Unexpected Twists: Lessons from My Journey What are you going to do to celebrate? This woman’s innocent question caught me off guard. Celebrate? I thought to myself. Writing my book was the most rewarding and cathartic experience I’ve ever had and achieved. And now I was about to do one of the scariest and bravest things I could have imagined—publishing my book. My story, all the lies, shame, and secrets I’d carried around with me my whole life, letting them define who I was...

A Journey of Faith, Self-Belief, and Purposeful Action When we discuss confidence, we often think of the external validation we receive - our achievements, compliments, or affirmations from others. However, the root of true confidence is planted deep within us. It is nurtured by our faith in God, our belief in ourselves as masterfully created by God, and the divine image of who we are as intentionally designed by our Lord Jesus Christ. This Christ-centered confidence empowers us to live lives...

Faith, Purpose, and Transformation Today marks the start of a new journey for each one of us. As we embark on this path of faith, purpose, and transformation, we will begin to view ourselves and the world around us through a new lens of hope, encouragement, and positivity. With this new perspective, we can look forward to positive changes in our lives and the world. Therefore, let’s embrace this new beginning with open hearts and minds and allow our faith to guide us toward a brighter future....

Life is a rollercoaster of discovery, change, and growth. Every day brings new chances to learn, evolve, and inch closer to the best version of you. Remember, the goal isn’t to be perfect, but to keep growing and making strides towards what you want in life. Core of Transformation At the core of this transformation, our faith acts like a compass, guiding us towards our purpose. It’s the driving force behind our goals, and the light that shows us the way, even when times are tough. Finding...

Today, I am inviting you to join me on a journey of exploration, an exploration of our deepest selves and the divine purpose that God has laid in our hearts. This journey is centered on one profound question, "Why?" This seemingly simple question is a powerful guide in our lives. So, what is your 'why'? It is the essence of your existence, representing your deepest values, beliefs, and the divine purpose that God has blessed you with. It’s the driving force behind your actions and the...

As we strive to become our best selves, we must remember that the goal isn’t perfection—it’s progress. Throughout this journey, we’re encouraged to grow, learn from our steps, and celebrate our wins and achievements. Becoming your best self is a result of continual progress that leads to a healthier, more fulfilled version of you. The Essence of Transformation The journey to personal growth and transformation doesn’t begin with external fixes but with an internal shift. From trying to master...